Saturday, February 12, 2022

Post #6: What I Learned From EOTO

    There were several interesting presentations about communication technology that we learned about in class. Some of the things we learned about, such as paper, the lens, and the carrier pigeon, didn’t even cross my mind as being considered technological innovations. Other presentations covered technology that I use in my everyday life, such as the iPhone, Instagram, TikTok, and laptops. There was definitely a large scope and variety of telecommunication-related topics explained.
    As someone who has always enjoyed writing and reading newspapers and magazines, I was quite interested in learning more about the printing press. The printing press was briefly talked about in my high school and maybe even middle school classes, but not a ton of information accompanied those discussions. With this presentation, I feel as if I got a deeper analysis of the printing press’ significance as well as a more thorough historical background.
    The printing press, as the name suggests, was a machine used to mass-produce printed materials like books, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. The way it worked was by applying a high amount of pressure to a surface that contained ink to stamp words onto pieces of paper or whatever medium was being used. One of the first versions of the printing press was actually made in China (this I was unaware of). Johannes Gutenberg used that model as inspiration and eventually brought this idea to life in Europe during the fifteenth century. The printing press was an important invention because prior to it, making books was extremely expensive and time-consuming. Because more books were being made, more people had access to education and reading materials. One of the first materials to have ever been mass-printed was the Gutenberg Bible. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, so the printing press was definitely an impactful development that changed society forever.

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